Our Services

At JFS, we deliver fiduciary wealth advisory services for individuals and families, business retirement plans & their employees, and institutions.
Services for Individuals & Families
We help clients meet life’s challenges and thrive financially no matter what stage of life they’re in. We streamline the financial complexity of building wealth, protecting wealth, readying for and entering retirement, or transitioning wealth to the next generations.
- Create a personalized financial plan that considers your income, expenses, debt, and investments. Set achievable financial goals and visualize a roadmap.
- Take advantage of retirement accounts to maximize your tax benefits and grow your investments.
- Make your money work for you with broad, globally diversified, low-cost, low turnover & tax-efficient (as needed) portfolios.
- Ensure you have the right insurance coverage to protect yourself and your family.
- Navigate the complexities of preserving family wealth with a well-designed estate plan or trust solutions.
- Enter retirement with confidence and leave a legacy that lasts.
Services for Businesses & Institutions
We help business owners and institutions plan for the unique challenges of running and growing businesses, fulfilling tax compliance while minimizing liabilities, retaining employees with company retirement plans, protecting the value they’ve built with insurance, dealing with exits like mergers and acquisitions, and planning for succession and their second act.
- Assess your company benefits and get fiduciary recommendations on plan design and implementation.
- Retain talent with effective retirement plan solutions and ongoing education, including group and one on-one employee counseling.
- Gain access to integrated tax planning, including preparation of tax returns and compliance, bookkeeping, payroll administration, bill pay, and other accounting services.
- Understand the value of your closely held business, accelerate your monetization value, and plan for an exit, transition, or succession.
- Get a second opinion on investment strategies for endowments, pension funds, public and private foundations, and more.